How to find motivation to workout?


MOTIVATION, seems like this word is everywhere these days. If you scroll on social media you are sure to have encountered it more than once. So what is motivation? And how can we get ourselves motivated?  We each have our own reasons to work out, loose fat, get stronger, get healthier, feel energized etc. Most of us are also aware of its importance, to get our body moving in our sedentary lifestyle.  But still, how do we get up and drag ourselves to the gym after a long day at work instead of going home to watch Netflix. Or find the will power to work out after a sleepless night attending the baby. What do we do on days when we just simply don’t feel like it?

You know the drill. You start out a new program or get a gym membership with tons of enthusiasm, but by the end of week 3 or 4 you start slacking. You skip a workout here and there and  before you notice you stop doing it at all (I’m guilty of it all…). So how to push through those weeks until it becomes a habit and part of our lifestyle.

It took me a long time to get to the point where I’m today, having set working out as part of my lifestyle. I had my fair share of ups and downs on my journey, especially at the beginning. 

I still have my fair share of shitty days (like we all do, I guess). Where the last thing on my mind is the work out, but against all odds I get my ass to the gym or do a home session.  

I get it done! Here’s how:

First of all I have a planned schedule. I know that in order to get the results I want, I have to follow it, prioritize working out and be consistent. That is the logical side of it. In addition, I don’t give myself an escape route. I usually work out right after my kids drop off at school so, I wear my activewear first thing in the morning. That way my mind is already set on it.

Over time I found out that morning workouts boost me with energy and help my day start positively. So I have made a conscious choice to start the day energized and sacrifice some night hours for work.

There were long periods of time when I used to work out at home, because that was the only doable option then.  Now days the gym is my happy place, it gives me energy, being around likeminded people, listening to my favourite tunes, getting my thoughts and mind clear and having no distractions. I get stimulated and I feel strong. The workout is a game changer for me. It has the power to turn my day around, from gloomy and moody into positive and very efficient.

Opening my IG account had a big impact on keeping me on track and it still does. I was never the kind of person to share much of my personal life with anybody. I didn’t see any good in social media, and even believed it was a huge waste of time. Boy was I wrong. I found a community of likeminded people that support each other keep me accountable and all extremely positive. Funny thing is I would never have thought to lift heavy haven’t I stumbled upon it on IG. Needless to say I wouldn’t be a PT or have opened this blog and be sharing my journey.

Never say never I guess, life is full of surprises. The weight room has become my “me time” space. It makes me feel empowered, happy and strong . These feelings are my biggest motivation right now. While at first it was only about how I looked, it is now about how it makes me feel! I wish you all get to this point because, then it turns into a lifestyle and you simply do it!

So that is me, I collected some tips that might help find your motivation. Since we are all different, some might appeal to you more than others. Hopefully you can find the ones that will help you.

Hope you find some points you can use. Just remember you will not be motivated daily to keep going, no one is. Unless they are not human. But if you get consistent with it you will be surprised by what will happen, and only for the better! So stick with it, find your motivation, use my points😉 and get your #betterself.

Love you! Thank you for reading XX Smadi